This Sunday is “Gideon Sunday”. Mr. David Long will give a short presentation on the work of the Gideons in our morning worship service. At the close of the service, a traditional “open Bible” offering will be taken. 100% of this offering will go to the purchase of new Gideon bibles.
The Adult Bible Study and Prayer time will move from the Sanctuary to the Library this week. Bible study begins at 6:30 PM.
Re: background checks for children’s workers-The bad news is Child Protective Services told us if your approval is over a year old, you should complete a form again. The good news is they have revised the forms, and they’re much shorter now. The new forms are available at the Welcome Center. Every volunteer will need to complete the new form and return it to the church office.
March items for Operation Christmas Child are Hygiene Items. See Ralph or Tammy Hart if you have any questions.
“Transformed” Women’s Conference: March 10-11 at Calvary Baptist Church in Seymour, Indiana. Register online at For hotel information, contact Rae Anne Tyra.
“Aspire” Women’s conference: April 23, 5:00 pm at Bloomfield United Methodist Church. See the poster in the narthex or Tricia Herndon.