Palm Sunday Today there will be a special presentation of “Christ in the Passover” during Worship Service. The Treehouse kids will be with us in the sanctuary this morning
Youth Group There will be no Youth Group meeting tonight.
Bible Explorers There is no Bible Explorers this week. We’ll be back together next Wednesday, April 3.
No Midweek Service There will be no Wednesday night Bible study and prayer meeting as we will be having a service on Good Friday.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service There will be a Tenebrae Service (Service of Shadows) in the church sanctuary on Friday, March 29, at 7:30 pm. The Lord’s Table will be observed during this service. There will be no sermon, only hymns and Scripture Readings.
Easter Sunday There will be a Sunrise Service at 6:30 followed by a special breakfast. Sunday School will begin at 9:00, with Morning Worship beginning at 10:00. There will be an Egg Hunt for families following the service. There will be no evening service to allow families more time together.
Annie Armstrong Envelopes are available for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering at the Welcome Center
Small Group Bible Study Wally Liechty is preparing for a small group to study the short biography of Marie Monsen, The Awakening; Revival in China 1927 – 1937. If you’d like to join the group, please sign up at the Welcome Center.
VBS Mark your calendars for the week of June 24-28 as we learn about God’s rock solid truth in a world of shifting sands.
Operation Christmas Child OCC items for March are personal hygiene items. We will have a special offering for shoebox postage on Sunday, April 7.