Youth Group (6th–12th) Join us Sunday evenings from 6:00-7:00 for Rooted Youth Group! Come spend time with friends as we have fun and explore the Christian faith. Our current study is learning Bible 101.
Bible Explorers (3’s–5th) Join us Wednesday nights from 6:15-7:30 for our midweek children’s discipleship program. We’d love to have you with us for engaging Bible lessons, Scripture memory time, and fun games.
Operation Christmas Child OCC items for January are stuffed animals and games.
Couples Getaway We have several couples planning an overnight getaway to McCormick’s Creek State Park from January 30 through February 1. If you have questions, please see Connie Liechty or Barbara Hohmann.
2023 Giving Statements Giving statements for 2023 have been either placed in your church mailbox or mailed to your home address. If you have not yet received a statement and expected one, please call the church office
Next Sunday – Mr. Paul Bertsch, Regional Director with Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Will be preaching our morning service